International Internet Law – an introduction

Senter for rettsinformatikk inviterer til nytt Tirsdagskaffeseminar (TKS) den 21. august. «International Internet Law – an introduction» – presentert av Joanna Kulesza. The presentation covers key points of International Internet Law (IIL) – the framework of international legal issues underlying Internet governance. It encompasses the spectrum of legal and practical problems which urgently require attention from the international community in order to sustain the proper functioning of the global information society. Topics discussed include international copyright protection, cyberterrorism and human rights, including free speech and on-line privacy protection.Joanna Kolesza´s bio.Seminaret starter som vanlig kl. 12:15 og finner sted på seminarrom 456 (Lucien Mehls rom) i 4. etasje på Domus Nova (St. Olavs pl. 5).

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