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Knut Selmer Memorial lecture: Lawyers as Engineers, Designers and Architects
18. januar 2023 @ 17:00 - 20:00
The Norwegian Association for Computers and Law (NFJE), Centre on Experiential Legal Learning (CELL) and the Norwegian Research Centre for Computers and Law (NRCCL) invite you to attend the Knut Selmer Memorial lecture on Wednesday January 18th at 17.00 (CET) at Kjerka, Domus Media Vest, 2nd floor at the University of Oslo, Karl Johans gate 47.
In this lecture, Helena Haapio, Associate Professor, Finland, will give a lecture on the topic of Lawyers as Engineers, Designers and Architects
The lecture is open for everyone, but registration is required. Registration can be done HERE. The deadline for registration is January the 13.
Digital attendance will also be possible. After the lecture we invite you to join us for a reception with light refreshments and mingling.
The theme for the lecture is:
Lawyers as Engineers, Designers and Architects
“Like engineers, transactional and legislative lawyers want to make something useful that works for their clients.
David Howarth: Law as Engineering, Thinking About What Lawyers Do. Edward Elgar 2013, p. 67.
Business success depends on contracts. While some contracts may need to work as evidence in court, most do not. Instead, they need to work for the parties so they get the results they want to accomplish. For legal teams, contracts are needed to record rights and responsibilities, manage risk, and provide protection in the event of a dispute. Clients want contracts to provide a framework for successful business outcomes and relationships. They value easy-to-use operational guidance. How do we balance and reach these valuable goals, if clients find contracts too complex and hard to understand? Recent research tells us that borrowing tools from other professions can help. Working as legal information designers and architects, adding images and human-centered layers to traditional legal texts can make contracts more useful and usable. With the help of AI tools such as OpenAI’s GPT-3 and ChatGPT, reading and writing contracts can become much easier. And not just contracts: proactive legal design has been successfully applied to other contexts as well, including Codes of Conduct, requests for proposals, trademark and privacy policies, and guidance documents. Who would have thought that a court judgment would win a plain language award or that a contract or legal advice letter would win a design award! But it has already happened.
Helena Haapio is a Contract Strategist and practitioner by day and an author and editor by night. She recently co-edited two books for Edward Elgar, one on Legal Design and the other on Contract Design. She will share examples of what companies such as Airbus and Shell have done to their Terms and Conditions to make them more useful and usable for business. She will also show how open-access AI tools can help in this endeavor and do a quick demo of the WorldCC Contract Design Pattern Library full of examples of successful contract redesign and simplification efforts.