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Knut Selmers Minneforelesning 2024
2. desember 2024 @ 16:30 - 19:00
NFJE inviterer til Knut Selmers minneforelesning i samarbeid med SERI.
I år får vi besøk av Katja de Vries fra Uppsala University. Hun vil snakke om » the legal implications of humans’ sentimental attachments towards Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems.»
«One societal challenge of the current generative AI revolution is the emergence of AI-powered entities that increasingly incite a sentimental attachment due to a shared “history” (because the underlying model learns during interactions with a particular individual), human-like speech and creativity or their unique personal characteristics. These AI-entities can take the form of an AI-companion (Other), a digital replica (Alter-Ego) or a combination of both (a digital replica of individual x acting as an AI-companion for individual y). Currently we are at the dawn of a period where such AI-entities become multiple things at once: legally speaking nothing more than a piece of (embedded) software exploited as a product and/or service, but in individual experience a digital alter-ego with a real-life impact and/or a relational, living being. In individual experience such entity cannot simply be changed, discarded or discontinued, but has to be curated and maintained: by preservation and adjustment, or, on the contrary, deletion. What if a company updates the model behind an AI-companion that radically alters its personality? Can one ask for a downgrade? What if the company discontinues the application? What if an ex-lover uses years of chat-messages to resuscitate a digital double of you? Can you exercise a right to be forgotten? What if a company starts mixing commercial elements into your digital double, extending its role from a very social stand-in into an online shopping agent? Can an actor control the use of a licensed digital replica – for example, prevent certain utterances or looks? In this talk, Katja de Vries looks for answers to AI-ttachment problems in a wide array of legal fields, including EU data protection, consumer, cyber security, and product sustainability (right to repair) law.»
Katja de Vries is an assistant professor in public law at Uppsala University. She is also affiliated to the Swedish Law and Informatics Research Institute (Stockholm) and the Center for Law, Science, Technology and Society (Brussels). Her current research focuses on the challenges that AI-generated content poses to data protection, intellectual property and other fields of law.
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