It is with pleasure that we invite our members to a series of lectures on data-sharing from different perspectives in the spring of 2021
The lectures are organized as open webinars one Monday each month from January to June 2021. Events for the lectures are published here on our website and in NFJE’s group on Facebook.
Please see the updated program below. As specified, some lectures are given in English, others in Norwegian. Changes in the program might occur.
Medlemsmøte: Enkeltindividers rådighet over egne data – Praktisk orientering om pågående arbeid i Altinn (Norwegian)
Mandag 15. mars 2021 kl. 17:15
Members’ meeting: The Digital Markets Act with Samson Esayas (English)
Monday 12. April 2021 @17:15 CET
Members’ meeting: The Digital Services Act with Sebastian Schwemer (English)
Monday 10. May 2021 @18:00 CET ATTENTION: The time of the meeting varies from the usual
Medlemsmøte: Overføring av personopplysninger til internasjonale organisasjoner og forskningsinstitusjoner i land utenfor EØS med Kreftregisterets direktør Giske Ursin of Datatilsynets direktør Bjørn Erik Thon (Norwegian)
Mandag 7. juni 2021 kl. 17:15
In light of the current situation with the covid-19 pandemic, the lectures are organized as Zoom webinars only. We hope for a changed situation and lighter restrictions in the spring and will host physical meetings at the University as soon as this is possible.
As long as the meetings are digital-only they are open to all who are interested in the topics. The Zoom-links are posted in the events here on the website and on Facebook.